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Oh Ocean: My name is Hamed and this is my poem.

I am from Afghanistan, in Kabul. I worked with the US Army as an interpreter. When the American troops left, we were threatened by the Taliban. That’s why I decided to leave Afghanistan.

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I work hard so I can succeed here

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Read our book of personal refugee stories: Let Me Tell You My Story

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Nicole Ludwig, Frankfurt, Germany

I Organized a Refugee Support Group

In the end you will be judged by the fullness of your heart.

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Julie Anderson, Frankfurt, Germany

She Established a Library for Refugees

I’m thankful to be a small part of this.

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A Desperate Voyage Through the Sahara Desert

My Drawings Show Sorrows Along the Way

The people that transport you, they don’t show love.

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Christine Dolan, Paris, France

I Was Called the Sock Ambassador

There are many desperate people…

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Brown Family

We Give Bikes to Refugees

“We’re your friends, so let’s break down the walls”

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Kayra Martinez, Greece

The Art Creates Support for Families and Children

When I dropped off my first carload … I asked, “May I stay and help?”

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